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A Mystical Eastern Language

by Viktor Medrano

Bonjang is a language that evokes images of bamboo groves, misty mountain escarpments, and ancient temples. It is the language of the magical halflings of the Eastern Isles. It is a highly regular language with elegant simplicity.

"chunti anren ya intang funfa foseng yaju edum, ngale wan yo yinying ginzim."

[Hear it!]

"The bamboo stands tall for many thousands of years, waiting for the great king."


There are 25 letters in the alphabet. Consonants have the same value as English except where it is indicated: A, B, CH (like 'ch' in chip), D, E, F, G (always hard like 'g' in 'gum'), H, I, J (like 'j' in 'joy'), K (like 'k' in 'skip'), L, M, N (like 'n' in 'note', but never like in 'sink'), NG (like 'ng' in 'singing' even initially, but never like in 'finger'), O, P (like 'p' in 'spin'), R (flapped), S (always like 's' in 'sun'), T (like 't' in 'stick'), U, V, W, Y, Z.

All the vowels are pronounced as in Spanish (or like English "fAther, hEy, machIne, mOre, lUnar").

The stress of a word is always the first syllable of the word.

Roots have the structures VCV, VKV, CVCV, and CVKV, where V is a vowel, C is a consonant, and K is a consonantal cluster (mb, nch, nd, nf, ngg, nh, nj, ngk, nl, mp, nr, ns, nt, mw, ny, mv, nz).


The grammar is simple. Endings tell which part of speech a word is.

-madjectives, ordinal numbers
_verbs, particles, cardinal numbers

Example: piha (to be beautiful), pihang (beauty), piham (beautiful), pihan (beautifully)

Pronouns follow the pattern too: king (I, me), kim (my), ki (to be me), kin (like me).

As far as the constituents of a sentence, the subject (S), the verb (V), and the direct object (O), are concerned, it is free word order unlike in English. It can be SVO, SOV, VSO, or whatever. The order of the constituents tell the emphasis of the sentence; those closer to the beginning of the phrase have more emphasis than those to the end. The subject is preceded with the particle 'ya' and the direct object is preceded with the particle 'yo'. Modifiers (numerals, adjectives and adverbs) follow the word that is being modified ('three brown cats' becomes 'cats brown three'). There is neither a definite article ('the') nor an indefinite article ('a'/'an'). Plural and singular nouns are not distinguished grammatically.

ya yotang ginzim umba vampun yo mungkeng kasum.
SUBJ cat-NOUN big-ADJ hunt quick-ADV OBJ mouse-NOUN small-ADJ
The big cat quickly chases the small mouse.

umba vampun yo mungkeng kasum ya yotang ginzim.
hunt quick-ADV OBJ mouse-NOUN small-ADJ SUBJ cat-NOUN big-ADJ
The big cat quickly chases the small mouse.

Additional adverbs may specify the tense and aspect of the verb, but they are optional. Some explicit tense and aspect adverbs:

ponremote past
lunnear past
tannear future
ginremote future
tonhabitual aspect
wanprogressive aspect

The special adverb 'kun' creates the imperative (command) form:

indi kun! (Sit down!)
ya song indi kun! (Let's sit down!)

A more polite request is created with 'gon':

indi gon! (Please sit down!)
ya song indi gon! (Please let's sit down!)

A question is formed by simple rising intonation:

ya song indi? (Are we sitting?)

Compound Words

In compounds, the primary stress is retained in the first syllable of the first element, while a secondary stress is placed in the first syllable of the second element.

(1) noun + noun

(a) The elements are opposite in meaning to one another.

fimveng-aveng (night and day)
emvong-wizang (father and mother)

(b) The elements are of similar species.

lulung-onseng (tables and chairs)

(c) Either of the elements qualifies the other.

jundung-imeng (toothache)
jazang-aveng (sun; eye of the day)

(d) The first element denotes an attribute of the second.

ideng-mansing (headmaster; head of the school)
omwang-owong (shoe-laces)

(e) The second element further defines the first.

vujeng-enyeng (medicine man)

(2) adjective + adjective

unham-dimbim (sweet and gentle)

(3) verb + verb

iwe-ogo (is able to eat; can eat)
yindu-ogo (should eat)


pr about (pertaining to; on the topic of) nginta
pr above, over ampi
pr across (at / to the other side of) kinra
pr after (later than; in the future of) inte
pr around, encircling, surrounding inu
pr at (in the same location as) kangge
pr because of, due to veye
pr before, in front of, ahead of (spatially) une
pr before, prior to, earlier than undo
pr behind, in back of, to the rear of enzu
pr between, among, amidst, inter- ubi
pr beyond, farther than, exceeding tundi
pr by means of, via, per, with (using; through instrumentality of) nganju
pr during funfa
pr except for, besides, apart from, other than, excluding somba
pr for (to benefit; destined for; for the purpose of) nomwe
pr for (in exchange for) ine
pr from, out of, away from benyo
pr in (located inside of) naya
pr instead of, rather than sonlu
pr like, similar to ongku
pr near, close to hage
pr of (owned by; belonging to; associated with; = genitive) minja
pr of (containing the measured quantity: "two liters of water") gontu
pr on (resting on; touching the top or other surface of) onsi
pr outside of, exterior to vinyo
pr/cj than, compared to emvu
pr through nenzu
pr to, towards, at (moving toward) ngompa
pr under, below, beneath chuha
pr with (accompanied by) alu
pr without, with no ..., lacking oya
v be (intransitive predicative copula) wungko
v exist sanfe
v become (begin to be; acquire the quality...) gofu
v cause (induce something to be/happen) inchu
v make, render (impart quality X to Y; e.g. "I make you happy") iha
v do, perform, engage in (specified activity) ihu
v have (possess / be furnished with) lanro
aux v pres can (is/are able to ...) iwe
aux v pres should, ought to (is/are expected/advised to ...) yindu
aj/pn this (demonstrative) onsom/-ng
aj/pn that (demonstrative) umwum/-ng
cj and, plus donchi
cj but, however temwo
cj if (on condition that...; supposing that...) tanje
cj or ombu
cj that (e.g. "I know that you are right") ambu
av also, additionally, too iyan
av apart, separately sumun
av here (in/to this place) inlin
av how? (in what manner?) fensin
av maybe, perhaps, possibly ponzin
av not rumon
av only, solely, exclusively tonyun
av there (at/to that place) hiten
av together ongon
pn what? tudung
pn which? yenlung
pn who? umbeng
av when? (at what time?) ipun
av where? (at/to what place?) okan
av why? (for what reason?) bonhen
aj any (no particular one of) gofim
aj every, each ungum
n person, human being vujeng
n baby, infant yenchung
n child sinzeng
n boy ruveng
n girl andong
n man (adult male person) ezing
n woman (adult female person) zundeng
n family ewung
n father emvong
n mother wizang
n marriage (spousal relationship) oneng
n husband tingeng
n wife koveng
n son umving
n daughter afung
n brother onheng
n sister onung
n chief, leader iwung
n king yinying
n queen tunjeng
n president jakeng
n prime minister zinfong
n dictator, tyrant sungeng
n master, lord ganying
n slave simwang
n soldier omvang
n ambassador tonring
n member (of group/organization) udeng
n friend erung
n enemy eching
n Mister, Mr. heveng
n Ms., Miss/Mrs. anong
n Miss umpung
n Mrs. efang
n club, society (voluntary association re: a common interest) dufeng
n committee (group appointed to do a task) ukong
n community (individuals sharing space / culture) runzeng
n culture (the customs and beliefs of a people) ovang
n individual (one considered separately from one's species) onteng
n people (a people), folk, the members of an ethnic group / nation jideng
n public, populace, the people (as in People's Republic) infang
n race (group of people with similar characteristics) ining
n team, crew, squad lufeng
n abdomen azung
n anus tihang
n arm (shoulder to hand) lungkong
n back (dorsal area) wombeng
n beard ipeng
n blood inchang
n body sonreng
n bone wojong
n brain owang
n breast, mammary ahong
n buttock nugang
n cheek (side of face below eye) langkeng
n chest (upper front of torso) anggong
n chin ehung
n ear eheng
n egg funggong
n eye jazang
n face yeseng
n feather ofeng
n feces, dung, excrement oncheng
n fetus (foetus), embryo momveng
n finger tatang
n fist anzeng
n foot (on which something stands) inyong
n forehead yengeng
n gene ondang
n hair (a strand of fibrous material growing from the body) dopong
n hair (the hairs atop one's head thought of as a collective entity) sonzeng
n hand chempeng
n head ideng
n heart (coronary muscle) yimvang
n heel unsing
n hip embang
n horn (bone-like growth from animal's head) toheng
n intestines, gut(s), viscera ngowing
n iris (of eye) yudong
n kidney ontong
n knee imung
n leg fungang
n lip icheng
n liver enlung
n lung apang
n meat, flesh zenyong
n mouth bonzong
n muscle ngadeng
n nail (fingernail) unfeng
n navel hovang
n neck wichong
n nerve zonjing
n nose bonfang
n organ (of body) namvong
n palm (of hand) sambung
n penis ampeng
n shell ingeng
n shoulder ochong
n skeleton renzeng
n skin okung
n spine, backbone anrong
n stomach ufing
n sweat, perspiration uvung
n tail ubeng
n tear(drop(s)) denzung
n testicle etung
n throat chanfing
n thumb insung
n toe tungkang
n tongue (body-part) ingkong
n tooth imeng
n urine imbang
n vagina unteng
n vein, blood vessel ancheng
n waist zanying
n wing (of bird etc.) umbong
n wound kofing
n wrist infeng
n berry (small pulpy fruit) abung
n bud (of flower/leaf) himbong
n flower amwing
n fruit kowung
n leaf dinyong
n nut (hard-shelled fruit/seed with separable shell and kernel) umong
n pod (seed pod) himpung
n root (of a plant) erong
n seed owing
n sprout (young shoot of plant) nunsing
aj alive monchom
aj dead epem
n birth vanlung
n mature, adult ejong
aj healthy yangkam
n disease, illness, sickness foheng
aj fat, obese, plump apum
n sex, gender nganteng
aj female okem
aj male bumbam
aj neuter (neither male nor female) pinggum
n sense (ability to perceive a given kind of stimuli) nginsing
n pain jundung
n pleasure oking
aj tired, weary konram
aj refreshed, zesty, perky vanjom
v sleep lenggi
aj awake ampam
n fever tekong
v bite manu
v breathe unchi
v catch (stop the motion of and seize in the hands) ojo
v climb wunyu
v copulate, have sex (with) imbu
v crawl undi
v cry out, shout, yell nugo
v cry, weep winti
v dance anga
v die onri
v drink bonfo
v drown (die/kill via immersion) aro
v eat ogo
v feel (perceive with the tactile sense) ika
v gesture emve
v hold, grasp anzo
v hunt, pursue (with intent to capture and/or devour) umba
v jump, leap muji
v kick angge
v kill reho
v kiss ata
v laugh mansa
v lie (recline horizontally) runhi
v live (be alive) echu
v run koga
v shave menlo
v sit (be in a sitting position) indi
v smile tewi
v sneeze gamvo
v spit henhe
v squat kufo
v stand chunti
v swallow ensa
v swim ipo
v taste (perceive the flavor of) gaga
v throw, toss winzo
v touch banju
v vomit ipi
v walk umvu
v wrestle mumwo
n animal (non-vegetable creature) zunsang
n ant (insect of family Formicidae) yunging
n bear (animal of Ursidae family) nanyong
n bee (member of genus Apis) varung
n bird (egg-laying feathered animal with wings) denjang
n butterfly ongung
n cat (Felis catus) yotang
n chicken ingung
n cockroach (insect of order Blattaria) wuming
n cow/bull, cattle (bovine animal of either sex) lonzeng
n deer (animal of family Cervidae) ngapung
n dog (Canis familiaris) epong
n donkey, ass (Equus asinus) onchong
n dragon (winged serpent with crested head and large claws) rateng
n fish iching
n fly (small winged insect) enggang
n fox (member of genus Vulpes) minang
n frog (web-footed tailless leaping amphibian) samwang
n goat (animal of genus Capra) bunjeng
n grasshopper anzang
n horse (Equus caballus) imong
n insect dunheng
n lion (Felis leo) kabong
n lizard embeng
n lobster jondong
n mammal funling
n mantis (insect of order Manteodea) yenteng
n monkey, small primate kujeng
n mosquito pumpung
n mouse mungkeng
n pig, swine (omnivorous mammal of family Suidae) vamong
n rabbit (animal of family Leporidae) jangging
n reptile desung
n sheep (Ovis aries) pirong
n snake, serpent (reptile of suborder Serpentes or Ophidia) ponding
n spider, arachnid lunheng
n squirrel (rodent of family Sciuridae) gudang
n tiger (Felis tigris) lazung
n turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) samveng
n turtle (reptile of order Testudinata) hilang
n virus lenheng
n whale (large marine mammal of order Cetacea) tancheng
n wolf (Canis lupus) fumeng
n worm jimweng
n apple (tree/fruit of genus Malus) osong
n bamboo (plant/stem of genera Bambusa / Arundinaria / Dendrocalamus) intang
n banana (plant/fruit of genus Musa) wukeng
n bean (lima/snap/etc.: plant/seed of genus Phaseolus or similar) yuleng
n cabbage (plant/leaves of sp. Brassica oleracea capitata) onzung
n carrot (plant/root of sp. Daucus carota sativus) ongkang
n coffee (plant/seeds of sp. Coffea arabica) honting
n cork (tree/elastic tissue of sp. Quercus suber) osung
n corn, maize (plant/seeds of sp. Zea mays) enleng
n cotton (plant/fibers of genus Gossypium) tomang
n cucumber (Cucumis sativus) genring
n date (tree/fruit of sp. Phoenix dactylifera) enlang
n fig (tree/fruit of genus Ficus) lacheng
n flax (Linum usitatissimum) zubong
n garlic (herb of sp. Allium sativum) guding
n ginger (plant/rhizome of genus Zingiber) emeng
n ginseng (plant/root of genus Panax) techang
n gourd (plant/hard-rinded fruit of genera Lagenaria & Cucurbita) hereng
n grape (plant/fruit of genus Vitis) uhong
n grass (monocotyledonous plant of family Gramineae) iwing
n hemp, marijuana (plant/material of sp. Cannabis sativa) giving
n kelp (seaweed of orders Laminariales and Fucales) bawing
n lentil (plant/seeds of sp. Lens culinaris) bebing
n lettuce (plant/leaves of genus Lactuca) urung
n mandarin, tangerine (tree/fruit of sp. Citrus reticulata) lensong
n mint (plant of family Labiatae) pondang
n mushroom (a complex aerial fleshy fruiting body of a fungus) umpong
n mustard (plant of sp. Brassica hirta / B. nigra / B. juncea) empong
n oak (tree of genus Quercus) uyeng
n oat (plant/seed of genus Avena) nunchang
n olive (tree/fruit of sp. Olea europaea) uyang
n onion (plant/bulb of sp. Allium sepa) laheng
n orange (tree/fruit of Citrus sinensis / related spp.) ezung
n pea (plant/seed of sp. Pisum sativum) timpung
n peanut (plant/seed/pod of sp. Arachis hypogaea) ungkeng
n pepper (hot/sweet/bell pepper -- plant/pod of genus Capsicum) chondeng
n pepper (black -- plant/seed of sp. Piper nigrum) manjong
n pine (coniferous tree of genus Pinus) rohing
n plum (certain trees/fruits of genus Prunus) eling
n potato (plant/tuber of sp. Solanum tuberosum) odong
n rice (plant/seed of sp. Oryza sativa) ukung
n rose (plant/flower of genus Rosa) umpang
n safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) irong
n sesame (plant/seed of genus Sesamum) himong
n soya, soybean (plant/seed of sp. Glycine max) joping
n spinach (plant/leaves of sp. Spinacia oleracea) enzang
n squash, melon (plant/fruit of genus Cucurbita grown for edible fruit) ogung
n sunflower (plant/bloom of sp. Helianthus annuus) ameng
n tea (plant/leaves of sp. Camellia sinensis) aking
n tobacco (plant/leaves of sp. Nicotiana tabacum) yanhing
n tomato (plant/berry of genus Lycopersicon) anling
n wheat (plant/seed of sp. Triticum aestivum) ginfong
n bush, shrub onging
n garden chejung
n grain(s), cereal crop(s) and their seed(s) buking
v harvest, reap uga
n plant (a vegetable life-form) higeng
n tree wanyang
n bay (small body of water offset from lake or sea) boning
n beach, shore anhang
n cave penyung
n cliff amving
n cloud urong
n desert afang
n earth (terra firma contrasted with sea and heaven) angkong
n earthquake ewang
n eclipse fongung
n field (unbroken expanse of land) ngingging
n flood, deluge wuting
n fog kotong
n forest vabing
n hail enteng
n hill (smaller than a mountain) mogong
n island umveng
n lake yenrong
n lightning pemweng
n moon (natural satellite of a planet) hosang
n mountain ukang
n nature (that which occurs spontaneously; the non-artificial world) adang
n planet entong
n rain kinggong
n rainbow lonzung
n river godang
n sea, ocean wonsing
n sky nunzung
n snow ningkang
n star egang
n storm hapong
n sun inyeng
n swamp, marsh ongking
n thunder engung
n tide nileng
n tornado monding
n universe, cosmos zandang
n valley wirung
n volcano kobeng
n weather empung
n wind iying
n world onrung
n arrow (sharp-tipped shaft shot from a bow) idung
n axe inggong
n balloon uching
n bar, rod wuding
n barrel, cask chahung
n basket ansing
n bed numveng
n bell chamvung
n blade sunfong
n blanket (large piece of soft material used as a cover) ponfeng
n board ucheng
n bomb sevung
n bottle gangging
n bow (for arrows) ijong
n bowl (deep round dish) yungong
n box (rigid rectangular receptacle) yiyang
n brake unrang
n brick (hard clay block) acheng
n broom mombing
n brush jumwang
n bucket, pail evong
n bullet ponsung
n button (on a shirt etc.) afing
n cage ringing
n can (presealed metal container) {British: tin} vinzung
n candle roying
n cannon eying
n chain (connected series of rings or links) nanggong
n chair (furniture for one person to sit on) onseng
n cigarette chinteng
n clock onleng
n club, cudgel tingging
n coin unting
n comb eyong
n computer (electronic instruction-obeying information-handler) egeng
n container kehong
n cord, cable (thicker than wire) enang
n cover (thing put onto or extended over something else) chifing
n cup (small bowl with handle) ngesong
n curtain vunhong
n dial (circle marked with numbers/symbols) utang
n dish (any shallow concave container) inzing
n doll, effigy unjung
n dome (anything shaped like an upside-down bowl) vifang
n drain (device that removes unwanted liquid) teveng
n drill vawung
n drum (hollow musical instrument beaten with sticks or hands) linjong
n envelope (folded paper covering a letter) inreng
n fan (device to create air current) azong
n fence (outdoor barrier supported by posts) inrung
n file (tool for abrading) bikong
n flag, banner mojang
n fork (instrument with >=2 prongs for picking up something) lumvung
n frame (structure supporting or surrounding something) sontung
n furniture opang
n gear (toothed wheel) anjeng
n guitar (stringed instrument played with the fingers) umung
n gun (ballistic weapon) efeng
n hammer endung
n handle (part of tool by which it is held) incheng
n hinge poming
n hook baving
n horn (makes noise when blown) wamping
n hourglass siwang
n jar, jug (big wide-mouthed bottle) fapung
n key (metal device for operating lock) enfing
n knife santing
n knob fanring
n ladder izang
n lamp ahing
n lens noning
n lever wojung
n lock (device for securing doors) lewong
n machine (device with moving parts) olong
n match (little fire-stick) senyeng
n microscope ajang
n mirror yenhong
n motor, engine manhong
n nail (pointy fastener) uzung
n needle ikong
n net ijang
n oven echang
n package, packet, parcel nguhung
n paddle, oar (stick with broad end) umang
n pan (broad shallow cooking dish) chenggong
n patch (a piece used to cover/repair a flaw) onfung
n pedal jelang
n pen (writing tool that uses ink) jinong
n pencil, crayon (writing tool that uses semi-solid substance) mikong
n pillow, cushion endong
n pipe (a hard tube for transporting liquid) venying
n plate (shallow dish, usually round) hendung
n plow (plough) dinfing
n pocket bosung
n pole, stick (long bar) unjong
n post (vertical pole anchored in ground) aling
n pot (deep round vessel) uheng
n pulley ngufeng
n pump dincheng
n rack (framework of bars for storage) dendong
n radio apparatus, wireless set ngakong
n rail (usually horizontal bar for restraining/supporting things) tutang
n rake guvong
n razor junzeng
n rope chonfeng
n rug, mat odeng
n sack, bag wusong
n sail mewing
n saw (tool) zentang
n scale (device to measure weight) sivang
n scissors guming
n screen, mesh voking
n screw (threaded fastener) zonlang
n sign (board with public notice written on it) omwung
n shelf ulang
n shield (a protective implement) jungging
n shovel umvang
n spear, lance norang
n sponge (real/synthetic corpse of animal of phylum Porifera) zinfeng
n spool, reel (cylinder onto which something is wound) gonteng
n spoon vembung
n spring (metal helix) barong
n staple (fastener) enfong
n strap lumung
n string (thicker than thread and thinner than rope) omwang
n stylus among
n sword untang
n syringe nekeng
n table (piece of furniture with flat top) lulung
n telephone javung
n telescope onggong
n television set orong
n toilet, water closet honfing
n tool, utensil, implement anleng
n tongs tizong
n towel zimbang
n toy, plaything sangkeng
n trap benring
n tray (shallow rectangular dish) gotung
n umbrella jonsing
n valve (flow-controller) gumvong
n weapon giseng
n wheel mufeng
n wire (long thread-like piece of metal) ukeng
n wrench {British: spanner} yimwung
n apron nganjeng
n belt indung
n coat (heavy outer garment with sleeves) amvong
n collar ngawang
n eyeglasses ibeng
n garment (item of clothing) woding
n glove ising
n harness indang
n hat, cap dayeng
n helmet ilang
n jacket (a short and/or lightweight coat) ganhang
n necktie enzeng
n pants, trousers wemving
n shirt fibung
n shorts, trunks (trousers extending no lower than knees) utung
n shoe owong
n skirt, kilt, dress (any torso-garment open at the bottom) wenting
n sock, hose, stocking fipeng
n uniform (special garments worn by members of a group) tompang
n veil ozung
n building, edifice (structure with walls and roof) useng
n attic, garret amwung
n ceiling omvung
n cellar, basement oying
n chimney dachong
n door dimwing
n elevator {British: lift} ungang
n fireplace, hearth hinchung
n floor (bottom of room) igung
n roof enheng
n room, chamber homving
n stair(s) dalang
n wall unfang
n window fanleng
n church (building or institution of public worship) enyung
n factory esang
n hospital uwang
n hotel, inn using
n house (a free-standing man-made dwelling-building) ongging
n library wijong
n mill (place where raw materials are processed) nguzung
n prison, jail antong
n school mansing
n store, shop, boutique iteng
n tavern, bar, pub gonleng
n theater yinzeng
n university ulong
n bridge ponyung
n farm oning
n park (public outdoor area) funfung
n market (place where goods are bought/sold/traded) wumang
n tower inggang
n agency, bureau emong
n army ngonding
n authority (the right/power to command) nguncheng
n campaign (for political office) ekong
n constitution (charter of an organization) denrang
v control gimwe
n court (of law) iming
n crime heming
v elect (select by voting) lemwo
aj free (at liberty) omwem
n government emvang
aj independent wumwom
aj international engkim
n jury iyung
n law (a rule enforced by a government) lelang
aj military jumom
n nation, state (political entity) sazing
v obey dinsa
aj official (issued with authority) junggum
v organize (bring X's together to perform a task) banha
n parliament, congress (legislative body of elected officers) oching
n party (political), sect (religious) anlong
v permit, allow, let anjo
n police (organization to enforce laws) opung
n politics chedeng
v prohibit, forbid, contra-permit omi
n province (of Canada etc.), prefecture, state (of USA etc.) gongang
v resign ifa
n rule, regulation valung
n submission, surrender dengking
n tax untong
n trial (in court) jojong
v unite enfa
v vote aje
n war anhung
v accept (willingly receive) angi
n account (record of money received/paid/owed) afong
n bank (monetary institution) ngumbeng
n bill, invoice (statement of money owed) ganleng
v borrow oli
n business, commerce ngunhang
v buy, purchase chachu
aj cheap, inexpensive olum
n check (written order directing a bank to pay from an account) onreng
n company (a business organization), firm wokeng
n contract (agreement-document) vonhong
n credit (permission to borrow money) mayeng
n debt, obligation to pay mamving
v exchange, trade, swap buya
aj expensive, costly sonrum
aj frugal, thrifty yomwom
aj generous, charitable putim
vt get, acquire, gain, obtain dile
v give ile
n insurance (protective contractual arrangement) ngemvang
v invest lamba
n job, employment abang
v keep, retain, go on having (e.g. "you should keep this book") enggu
v lack (be without) dinfo
v lend upa
vt lose (cease having; contra-acquire) ngiye
n merchandise, goods, wares tonzang
n money gogang
v offer (present for acceptance or rejection) ufo
v own (possess according to law or custom) onjo
v pay vegi
aj poor, impoverished enrom
n price, cost winzang
aj private (contra-public) zanlam
n prize, award sinlang
n profit, gain oting
v provide, supply, furnish rege
aj public (available to most or all persons) ejim
v punish inse
v receive eya
v reject, refuse (contra-accept) ori
n responsibility, liability, accountability danrong
v reward tenju
aj rich, wealthy ebim
v sell uzo
v steal (take in a criminal way) anlu
n store, cache, reserve, reservoir wenfung
v take (in the sense of E-o "preni", G "nehmen", Sp "tomar") huncha
n ticket, coupon lubung
n value (the quality of being useful and/or desirable), worth tonhung
n angel, fairy (supernatural flying humanoid) uging
v bless (wish good upon) yichu
v curse, damn (wish evil upon) fine
n ghost (manifestation of dead person's soul) pecheng
n god, diety yekeng
n heaven, celestial realm, Valhala etc. nensong
n hell, Hades famang
aj holy, sacred ambom
n magic, sorcery raying
v pray (communicate with god(s)) benhi
n priest, clergyman honzang
n religion anheng
n revelation, mystical vision umbing
n ritual, rite, ceremony kimbong
n soul, spirit (believed to outlive the body) chunlang
v admire nane
aj alert mechem
aj angry otum
v approve (of) lova
n art (creative craft; productive use of talent) hipang
n attention (active perception) egong
n behavior, conduct zamveng
v believe (accept as true) ate
v blame zoba
aj boring, tedious gintum
v calculate, reckon anfu
n care, concern (about someone / something) kungkeng
n caution, prudence, carefulness gichong
v celebrate, rejoice eyu
v choose, pick (out), select one of many possibilities jugo
n comfort (freedom from pain and/or worry) asing
v compare ume
aj conscious, aware imwam
n courage, bravery wachung
aj dear, precious, cherished esim
v decide wika
n disappointment wunlung
v distinguish, differentiate, tell one from another inlu
v doubt omwo
n dream longang
n embarrassment enyong
n enthusiasm, zeal funsing
v expect, anticipate (believe that X will come/happen) silu
v experience (consciously live through an event) jonle
v favor, prefer ewi
v fear (be afraid of) tawu
v feel (experience an emotion/sentiment) adi
aj foolish amum
v forget (contra-remember) pucho
v forgive, pardon funla
aj funny, comical bengam
aj grateful, thankful uvem
aj greedy kenam
v guard, monitor, watch over ive
v guess, conjecture uti
v guide, lead wanfa
aj guilty, blame-worthy ahem
n habit, custom, routine practice tansang
aj happy runlum
v hate unla
v hope semu
aj humble, modest imwom
n idea, concept (thought-bundle) renzong
v imagine chasi
aj important nozim
aj innocent, contra-guilty inhim
aj insane, crazy, mad wuvom
aj intelligent tumum
v intend, mean to, do deliberately, have as a purpose zinra
n interest (desire to pay attention to something), fascination obung
v invent (plan something which has never been made before) chiza
n jealousy, envy enling
v judge (compare something to criteria), form an opinion about neji
v know hinyu
n knowledge wopang
v learn opo
v like, enjoy (derive pleasure from) hovi
n logic (formalized process of reasoning) unseng
aj lonely (feeling undesirable solitude) enjam
v love deku
aj loyal lunyam
n mercy ensong
n mind fonlang
n mystery sumvong
n neglect, negligence, apathy ozong
aj nice, kind, affable meyem
v notice, observe encho
n opinion infing
n patience zenzong
n peace (freedom from fighting or turmoil) angkeng
v perceive, detect andu
v pity, feel compassion toward, feel sorry for hunro
n plan, design soving
n play (performed by actors on stage), drama senyong
v pretend, act, feign firo
n pride (proudness; self-respect) adong
n reason, explanation, justification, rationale arang
n reasoning, rational thought mambing
v recognize yora
v regret awu
v remember zanse
v respect, venerate, esteem lochi
n revenge, vengeance, retribution, getting even enjung
aj sad, unhappy, melancholy sabam
n satisfaction engang
v seek, search (for), look for senu
v seem, appear to be, give the impression of onfi
aj serious, earnest, grave pontom
n shame enzing
v study impi
aj stupid apim
n subject, topic of discussion upung
v suppose, presume ima
v surprise, startle oje
n talent, skill, knack zonyeng
v teach engka
v tempt oru
n theory sireng
v think bowa
v trust dinchu
v understand, comprehend avu
v want, wish, desire epi
n whim, caprice iheng
aj wise yimbem
n worry, anxiety ramwang
n address (postal co-ordinates) oheng
v admit, confess ome
n advertisement unzing
n advice rekong
n alphabet unying
v announce, proclaim chumvi
n answer, reply to a question or argument bungung
n article, essay (piece of text about one topic) engkong
v ask, inquire genyo
n book ayong
v call, summon vuncha
n chapter (main division of book) ehang
n chart, diagram vizang
n claim, assertion (statement of unknown accuracy) fembeng
n code (cryptographic system) linring
n command, order, directive dudeng
n communication (exchange of information) gingging
n consonant (non-vowel) lonhung
v criticize goki
v deny (say that X is not true) wenju
v describe depo
n dictionary tonlang
v discuss, talk about tinha
n document inleng
v emphasize, accentuate, stress jube
n fact (undisputed datum) ejung
n fiction jetung
n file (dossier; loose bundle of data) bemping
n grammar (rules and structure of a language) wandong
n history (organized account of past events), chronicle ohang
v indicate tezo
n information reving
n insult unhong
v invite pibe
n issue, edition (of periodical etc.) bulung
n label lonheng
n language (the verbal communication technique of a people) zavung
n letter (a message written and mailed) onlong
v lie (utter a known falsehood) jaja
n list winung
n magazine (periodical publication) agung
v mail (transmit postally) sine
n map (drawing of planet's surface) oveng
n meaning (semantic content of a word) chijeng
n message (batch of transmitted information) fangung
n movie, motion picture venggang
n name imbeng
n news, tidings rompeng
n newspaper winhe
n noise (confused/randomized sound/stimuli) etong
n note, annotation yinzang
n page (one side of a sheet of paper in a book) fezung
n photograph chevang
n poem dimwong
v praise, compliment, laud puya
v print (to copy marks by pressing inked objects on paper) ifu
n promise (a claim about one's future actions), pledge enggeng
n protest, objection gombeng
n question, query onying
v quote, cite anyo
v read jele
n record (a cache of information) rungang
v request, ask for sege
v say, tell, express in words iwo
aj secret remem
n sentence (of words) bimpeng
v sing kole
v speak, talk obi
n story, report ambang
v suggest, propose (offer an idea) tonlu
n syllable uying
n symbol, sign, token omwing
v thank (express gratitude toward) ibo
n vocabulary (sum of words available to a person/people) tumbong
n voice bending
n vowel hambung
v warn ngunye
n word ombong
v write sene
n game (a rule-governed system of competitive amusement) jonding
n game, match (one particular encounter between competitors) anfang
n athletics (games involving physical skill), sports pemwang
n score (the tally of points in a competition) korong
n umpire, referee, official izung
n ball (spheroidal plaything) tinsong
n bat, stick, racket/racquet (any ball-hitting tool) kondung
n ski uteng
n baseball okong
n basketball emweng
n football (association f~), soccer laling
n football (American/tackle f~) echong
n gymnastics minrong
n hockey empeng
n pool, billiards lensung
n tennis uchang
n chess lading
v play, recreate, frolic ade
aj same, identical akum
aj similar zutem
aj different yaram
aj/pn other, another onggum/-ng
v change (become/make different), vary ngegi
v imitate, mimic eja
aj original, non-imitative yunhum
n prototype, exemplar, archetype, model (for all Xs) igeng
n copy (a duplicate) ingkung
num zero sabe
num one wenze
num two inlo
num three achi
num four onyo
num five jinde
num six wawa
num seven mofo
num eight ngombo
num nine lumbu
num ten rinle
num hundred ete
num thousand yaju
num million ocha
num half (1/2) yadi
n quantity (amount / number / magnitude) zening
n number, numeral (a word or symbol indicating quantity) vikong
v count, enumerate pinzu
v measure nunho
n ratio, rate, proportion vanleng
v add, append, join so as to cause an increase inhu
v remove, subtract, take away, delete emu
v increase (become or make greater in quantity) jeno
v decrease (become or make lesser in quantity) unzu
v multiply ofa
v divide kiti
n total, sum, aggregate chuntung
n rest (of ...), remainder, leftovers, remnant nenleng
aj whole, entire, complete hinfum
aj all (the whole number or entire sum of) dezum
aj many (a large number of) edum
aj few (a small number of) wanfom
aj much (a large quantity of) rinrim
aj more (a larger quantity of) unsum
aj most (the largest quantity of) injum
aj little (a small quantity of) zovam
aj less (a smaller quantity of) kivem
aj least (the smallest quantity of) rintam
n part danung
n piece (a part broken/cut/separated from something larger) enhing
n section, segment (a part somehow different/separated from others) penseng
n allocation, allotment, portion (someone's share of X) jiweng
n group honong
n batch (quantity of things done/produced at one time) renfing
n bundle, bunch (group of things tied or grouped together) asong
n majority ngunying
n minority anang
n density rensung
aj dense (of much density), concentrated, thick, intense enram
aj rarefied, tenuous, diffuse, dilute, sparse, wispy efom
aj full, filled kunyum
aj empty onfem
n degree (the extent/intensity/scope of an action/condition/relation) ngomweng
av at least, not less than (>=) lebon
av at most, only, just, merely, not more than (<=) komun
av much, very (to a large degree; with great intensity) demwen
av more (to a larger degree) yiwun
av most (to the largest degree) soton
av little (to a small degree; with almost no intensity) idin
av less (to a smaller degree) kimwan
av least (to the smallest degree) unjen
av enough, sufficiently vipon
av almost, nearly izen
av too much, excessively songkin
av too little, insufficiently vinsen
n size (degree of largeness or smallness) imvung
aj huge, enormous, gigantic gumum
aj big, large (of much size) ginzim
aj small (of little size) kasum
aj tiny, minuscule opim
v expand, grow linze
v shrink, contract chupe
n distance (amount of space from X to Y) viving
aj/av far (at / to a great distance) infom/-n
aj/av near (at / to a little distance) romwam/-n
aj present (existing in the indicated place; contra-absent) etam
aj absent dunsem
n place, location dahing
n length (distance from one end to the other) banlong
aj long (of much length) devum
aj short (of little length) ungkom
n width (degree of wideness or narrowness) yengkong
aj wide, broad (of space between objects) rukam
aj narrow, of little width (of space between objects) umpim
n thickness (of a solid object, etc.) vongkang
aj thick, fat (large from one surface to the opposite surface) embim
aj thin, slender (small from one surface to the opposite surface) omvim
n height (distance from ground / baseline to top) ubong
aj high, tall (of much height) anrem
aj low, short (not tall; of little height) juvam
n depth (distance from ground / baseline down to bottom) kumping
aj deep, profound (of much depth) zuzum
aj shallow (of little depth) kuchum
aj horizontal vunjum
aj vertical nenfim
aj diagonal, slanted uhum
aj sloped, inclined/declined (not horizontal) panrum
n angle (the relation of two lines radiating from a point) wavong
n position (location relative to others) gomong
n region, area (a quantity of space within boundaries) unfong
n space, room, void isung
n connection, joint, junction iging
n environment, surroundings, context chapong
n front silong
n rear, back part of fenjung
n side, flank, lateral area ifeng
n middle, center elung
n top, peak, summit kinfeng
n bottom sungung
n edge dindong
aj inner, internal, interior ingkem
aj outer, exterior, external jojim
n limit, boundary wuhing
v find (discover the location of) zono
v misplace (lose; become unable to find) kenlo
n direction (orientation of motion) zudang
av up vuzon
av down tavon
n north wijeng
n south ungkung
n east ronsing
n west enchung
aj right(-hand) fimpim
aj left(-hand) konam
av away (from this or that place) kinon
av back (to previous place / condition) finggan
aj inverted, upside-down anhom
av backward (in reverse order) unjan
aj direct, immediate (with no intermediaries or obstacles) elam
aj serpentine, meandering, convoluted sugam
n city inring
n village vakung
n rural area, countryside ngejing
n source, origin duzang
n route, path, course tunzing
n destination ngarung
v aim (to point/direct X toward Y) jise
v attract yipi
v avoid, evade, keep away from teru
n barrier, obstacle sinjong
n base, node, station (point from which things go or are done) antang
v bring (cause something to come along with one toward a place) zundu
v capture, seize enggo
v carry (move while supporting) moka
v come, arrive (at indicated place) anya
v drift, wander zanso
v drive, impel, propel asa
v emit (to send out any form of matter/energy in any manner) butu
v enter, go into vongki
v escape, flee from lampi
v fly (move through the air) ondu
av forward, ahead humpin
v gather, collect (bring or come together) laka
v go (move from starting point to elsewhere) yiva
n journey, trip, voyage vombeng
v leave, depart, go away from dogu
n load, burden manrong
v meet, encounter, come across ajo
v miss, fail to hit/reach/see etc. cheru
v move (engage in motion / cause to engage in motion) nobi
v put, place, translocate zengki
v reach, extend as far as ande
v release (quit keeping/restraining) amwo
v remain, stay enzo
v repel unlo
v restrain, inhibit, hold back ike
v retrieve, fetch (go to X and bring it back) demva
v return (go or send back to previous place/condition) nganto
v ride (sit/perch in/on a vehicle/horse/etc. and travel) chanye
v roll (move like a ball/cylinder by turning over and over) pomwa
v send, dispatch, transmit ene
v slide, slip, glide imwi
v stretch, extend enche
v turn, divert (send in a different direction) uha
v turn, rotate, revolve mogi
v visit onje
n airplane, aircraft zitang
n bicycle himeng
n boat uling
n bus legeng
n canal, channel, ditch ngontung
n car, automobile (wheeled motor vehicle) anfeng
n cart, carriage, wagon (wheeled vehicle; not self-propelled) odung
n motorcycle fanfong
n port komang
n railroad ontang
n road gangkong
n rocket mimong
n ship inggung
n street raseng
n train (of railroad) dinseng
n truck {British: lorry} (motor vehicle for cargo-carrying) impong
n vehicle binfing
n age (degree of oldness / youngness) renlang
aj young (of little age; having existed/lived for a brief time) wanzom
aj old (of much age; having existed/lived for a long time) simvem
aj new, novel, recent (having been known for a brief time) rempum
aj old (of long standing; having been known for a long time) namwim
aj permanent, perpetual unam
aj constant, invariant, stable vuwom
aj temporary, transient widem
n interval (quantity of time between events X and Y) mading
aj irregular, sporadic, intermittent ingim
aj regular, periodic (at uniform intervals) fumvom
n rhythm sowong
n time (e.g. "do it 3 times"), occasion, instance, iteration novang
av again, once more, re- omban
v alternate, take turns (do X then Y then X then Y) ngiche
n cycle (one complete performance of a periodic process) enching
n frequency (degree of oftenness or seldomness) unchung
av frequently, often yimwen
av seldom, rarely upon
n duration (amount of time consumed) odang
aj long (of much duration) nenfam
aj short, brief (of little duration) ginsem
aj gradual jensim
aj sudden, abrupt tungkim
v begin, commence, start jeji
v continue, keep on doing/being suda
v pause, hesitate, suspend action temporarily eye
v end, conclude, finish awi
v cease, stop doing, quit bunri
v delay, retard, tarry, postpone binfo
v rush, hurry, hasten imbi
n period, era, epoch peyang
n moment, an instant jenjeng
av always (at all times) unrin
av ever (at any time) ensen
av never vulun
n time (the dimension/continuum of past-present-future) yunting
n past (the p~), earlier time onhang
n present (the present time; the now) tencheng
n future (the f~) impeng
av already (prior to the time mentioned) ison
av still, yet (even until the time mentioned) bilun
av yesterday yonfan
av today ampon
av tomorrow jompun
av long ago (in the far past) vadan
av recently (in the near past) rusen
av now (at this time) kanhan
av soon (in the near future) jenfen
av eventually (in the far future) ivin
aj/av early, premature jantam/-n
av/aj timely, prompt, on time mindon/-m
aj/av late, tardy chompim/-n
n speed, velocity (degree of fastness or slowness) angkung
av quickly, rapidly, swiftly (with much speed) vampun
av slowly (with little speed) bakan
n series (a number of similar things following one another) benfong
n sequence, order (temporal arrangement of events in a series) onhung
aj last, final (after all others) idom
aj prior, preceding, previous, contra-next nawem
aj next (coming immediately after; "tomorrow" = the next day) minzam
n season wufong
n spring (the season) fugang
n summer unjing
n autumn, fall enrung
n winter rawung
n century izong
n year foseng
n month babang
n week angkang
n day (24-hour period) ovong
n date (coordinates of a day given in some timekeeping system) uming
n day (daytime -- as opposed to night), diurnal period aveng
n night fimveng
n morning (dawn to noon) nganfang
n noon asung
n afternoon (noon to dusk) wenlong
n evening (dusk to midnight) enjeng
n midnight onlang
n graveyard shift, middle of the night (midnight to dawn) olang
n hour (60 minutes) vuling
n minute (60 seconds) undang
n second (1/60th of a minute) zihang
n holiday nomvung
n sabbath (day of week with religious significance) vihang
v wait (for), await ngale
n air obeng
n alcohol zavong
n ash ajing
n brass (copper-zinc alloy) dawing
n carbon yuwung
n chalk nguvung
n chemical (substance made by or used in chemistry) apeng
n clay wonyong
n cloth, fabric (material made of threads) funsong
n coal ngamong
n copper lengeng
n dirt, earth (tangible), soil onlung
n dust uyung
n element (substance of irreducible simplicity) chemving
n fat (oily/greasy material from animal adipose tissue or plant seeds) kamung
n fuel wandang
n glass pinhang
n gold (the precious metal) dazing
n ice tibeng
n ink fining
n iron unsang
n jade (the tough green gemstone) isang
n jewel, gem runfang
n lead (the metal) kenyang
n leather (prepared hide) uchong
n medicine (substance that makes one healthy) enyeng
n metal toking
n mineral, ore ibing
n mud gepung
n neon ngangong
n nitrogen guhing
n oil (a combustible fatty liquid that will not mix with water) hepeng
n oil (crude oil), petroleum uning
n oxygen pangang
n paint guning
n paper fuvong
n plastic (synthetic/processed moldable material) zunchong
n poison, toxin mihong
n potassium umpeng
n quartz lungung
n rock, stone lumweng
n rubber ngayong
n salt unggung
n sand hampang
n silk kunggung
n silver (the metal) yoyeng
n soap wumpung
n sodium bunreng
n steam manjeng
n steel imving
n sulfur amwang
n tar (dark viscous liquid obtained by destructive distillation) ohung
n tin (the metal) pibung
n water zatang
n wax gumpang
n wood (the substance) chiting
n wool ungging
n beer onhing
aj bitter gingkam
n bread nobeng
n butter julung
n cheese wodong
n chocolate tedeng
n flavor, taste oleng
n flour (grain-powder) anhing
n food ungking
n honey anlang
n milk iring
n pasta, noodles omping
n pizza linggong
n salad embung
n sandwich finging
n sausage kanting
n soup fipong
aj sour itom
n spice, seasoning awang
n sugar gochung
aj sweet unham
n vinegar richang
n wine lining
n arch zimveng
n band, tape, flat strip hentung
n block (solid flat-surfaced mass of material) podong
n branch (small part going out from main part) inrang
n bump, protrusion unyang
n card (stiff rectangle of material) kemvong
n circle sondeng
n coil zinheng
n cone dimeng
n crack, fissure sumbing
n cross (perpendicular intersection of linear items) ngunling
n crystal yeyung
n cube vompeng
n curve ewong
n cylinder umwang
n dent, nick, indentation ening
n disk, disc anung
n drop (of liquid) chenchang
n film (very thin layer) kehing
aj flared (opening up or spreading out from axis) engem
n foam, froth iseng
n form, shape weveng
n furrow, rut, groove ronlung
n garbage, trash, rubbish sanzong
n gas binching
n helix (any corkscrew-shaped object) ranfong
n hole aying
n jelly (gelatinous semi-solid material), gel iyong
n juice (fluid extracted from something) royeng
n layer runching
n line (series of contiguous points) engkung
n liquid lundung
n loop, circuit, closed curve jacheng
n lump, clod, blob, piece of no particular shape ayeng
n mark (visible traces left behind) ranyeng
n matter, material, substance fumang
n object (concrete tangible thing) janding
n opening, orifice igong
n oval, ellipse unheng
aj parallel mekam
n paste (any thick soft dough-like material) ngujing
n pattern (apparent systematic interrelationship) ampung
n pile, heap, stack of things or of a substance uping
n plane (flat surface) jabing
n plug, seal, stopper jansang
n powder vimwung
n pyramid kunsong
n ray tisung
n rectangle lopeng
n ring, torus garung
n rust, corrosion yumvong
n scratch chingong
n sheath amvang
n sheet (thin rectangle of paper/cloth/etc.) tegung
n shower, sprinkle sencheng
n smoke ngangging
n solid (not a gas or liquid) mofung
n sphere jimping
n spike, barb, cleat, thorn inhong
n spiral, whorl wimang
n square wireng
n stripe voying
n surface ontung
n swelling, inflation linfeng
aj tapered (becoming narrower toward an end) janyom
n thread, filament renlung
n triangle insong
n wave genhing
n wedge nunhung
n wrinkle, crease iting
aj flat, planar lunsum
aj level, even (on the same level) chinlum
aj smooth duntim
aj rough, coarse, contra-smooth ngenlam
aj straight (not bent) akam
aj bent binggim
aj pure, unadulterated, uncontaminated jemwam
aj clean mantim
aj dirty, contra-clean wundom
aj open (not shut) ngempem
aj closed, shut lekam
aj wet ungem
aj dry tanrom
aj sharp, keen, pointy, acute bufim
aj dull, blunt (of little sharpness) edem
aj soft, malleable, yielding to pressure vinsim
aj hard, firm, resistant to pressure kinfom
aj flexible (easily able to bend) kindom
aj stiff, rigid pombam
aj elastic (able to regain shape/size after deformation) indom
aj durable, resilient, robust, strong (in this sense) onzem
aj fragile, delicate chagim
n weight (degree of heaviness or lightness) fusing
aj heavy (of much weight) simbim
aj light (of little weight) fihim
aj solid (contra-hollow) ujum
aj hollow nunggim
aj snug (just large enough to contain X), tight (in this sense) inam
aj loose (contra-snug), baggy videm
aj taut, tight, tense, strained jarem
aj loose (contra-taut), slack nenhom
aj viscous, thick (of high viscosity) anchom
aj runny, thin (of little viscosity) abim
v absorb juko
v adhere (hold tightly to / stick to something) ngansa
v beat (repeatedly hit), batter onsa
v blow (move/cause to move as a current of gas) oga
v boil tongki
v bounce, rebound yewi
v break (into pieces) yizo
v build (join materials to create), construct mupi
v burn rinru
v burst pinfe
v consume, deplete, expend, exhaust, use up boche
v contain zamvi
v crush (press on so as to break or re-shape) jenggu
v cut awe
v dig jogi
v dissolve fonzo
v evaporate abo
v explode toge
v float oma
v flow (travel in a current) vabu
v fold gimvu
v freeze pomwo
v grind enji
v hang, suspend, dangle monga
v hit, strike ongge
v melt chatu
v mix, blend osa
v pollute, contaminate sinra
v pour (cause to flow) cheyi
v preserve, maintain (keep X in good condition) menhu
v press (do pressure to; push upon with weight or force) ngangke
v pry {British: prize} (raise/open/move with a lever) sechu
v pull (draw something toward oneself) uno
v push (press on something in order to move it) ifi
v rot, decay zote
v rub, abrade chempo
v sew nime
v shake henchi
v shoot (cause to rapidly go forth) vachi
v sink kiche
v spill (accidentally emit liquid) ingge
v spread (begin to cover or cause X to cover more area) pongi
v stab, jab gopu
v stir, agitate mumva
v suck rimbo
v sweep onge
v tear, rip ihi
v tie, bind ala
v trim, prune (cut off ragged edges) tanfi
v wash andi
v weave mumpu
v wrap ira
aj acid(ic) ozem
aj alkaline yonchem
n atom menching
n balance, equilibrium suncheng
n basis, foundation (part which supports the rest) onzing
n electricity kusong
n energy chimvung
n fire tuweng
n force dangkung
n gravity wizing
n magnet gaving
n molecule yombang
n power ngunung
n smell, odor, aroma munchung
n strength (ability to exert physical power) bomwing
n stroke, jolt, blow of force lanfing
n vacuum lonseng
n vapor, mist unfung
n polarity (electric, magnetic, etc.) barang
aj positive simbum
aj negative tamwum
aj gentle, mild dimbim
aj violent, harsh yigam
v see mipa
n light (visible electro-magnetic radiation) renyang
n color sombeng
n shadow, shade yisong
v shine (radiate light) zasi
n picture, image lenling
aj bright (with much light present) dopam
aj dark, dim (with little light present) hambem
aj black gapom
aj gray {British: grey} jafom
aj white nungom
aj red homwim
aj orange (having a hue between red and yellow) enyim
aj yellow ivam
aj green ukim
aj blue sedum
aj purple vagem
aj brown nanzam
aj beautiful piham
aj ugly rungem
n ornament, decoration injeng
n blemish, blot oging
v hide, conceal jeso
v reveal, disclose sato
v examine, inspect zunza
v show, exhibit, display eba
n sound (audible waves in the air) mobung
aj silent uvim
aj quiet, soft, faint (of little sonic intensity) nenggum
aj loud (of much sonic intensity) owem
v hear venyo
n music anzung
n tone, pitch (frequency of sound waves) anchang
v whistle chompe
n temperature (relative amount of heat present) yujang
n heat, warmth janheng
aj cold, chilly, frigid inggim
aj cool chunchom
aj warm unsom
aj hot unhum
v bake (cook or harden by means of dry heat) jonggi
v cook (prepare by applying heat) keso
v happen, occur lito
n accident (unintentional and unexpected event) embong
n miracle hihong
n disaster, catastrophe sangung
n act, deed chucheng
n activity, bustle, ado mugung
n result, consequence amvung
v agree ingo
v fight, combat komwe
v protect, defend pule
v attack eri
aj good yeyem
aj bad senchum
n category, classification dakong
n kind, sort, type, variety (of...) jinting
aj certain, sure chuyem
aj probable (likely to happen/be) onchim
v cooperate, collaborate hovu
v compete, strive, vie senha
v help, assist, aid are
v interfere, hinder danlu
v succeed lengka
v fail heka
aj simple ngowem
aj complex ichum
n condition, state, status yenfang
v create, make (bring into existence) tingka
v destroy (contra-create; cause to cease existing) ompu
n safety, security nakang
n danger (situation in which harm is probable) dondung
aj easy munlim
aj difficult, hard raram
aj true tihom
aj false, untrue anjam
aj famous adum
aj obscure, unheard of rondim
v injure, damage, harm suju
v repair, fix ita
n flaw, defect, imperfection ngiteng
aj native (naturally belonging to a given realm) nganem
aj chief, main, primary, principal ralim
aj auxiliary angum
aj normal, ordinary, usual penjom
aj strange, weird, unusual, peculiar yanlom
n trouble, difficulty kigang
aj real, actual famum
n trick, chicanery jigang
aj right, correct ohom
aj wrong, incorrect pachim
v reside, dwell, live penri
n camp, bivouac, temporary shelter antung
n nest, den, lair (an animal's self-made house) anyung
v represent (act as a substitute for) femvo
n substitute, surrogate (temporary replacement) ijeng
n replacement (permanent substitute/substitution) rinfong
aj common, general (shared by all members of a group) guyom
aj specific, special, particular gungkem
n ability, capacity (to do something) kombeng
aj artificial (deliberately made by humans) jemwum
aj automatic manam
n chance, randomicity, luck aneng
n civilization kambing
aj clear, plain (easy to see/understand) dagum
n compromise gamvung
v consist of, be composed of higa
v depend on, rely on fenle
v deserve, merit, be worthy of kunfu
n detail yenfong
aj equal chigum
aj evil anjim
aj exact, precise ngungem
n example, sample fijung
n exercise, practice (effort made to improve skills/health) unrung
n experiment kempeng
aj fertile vivom
n harmony (pleasing combination of stimuli) ipang
aj just, fair, equitable fugum
n match (a thing suitably associated with another) nimbung
n method, manner, way (of doing), technique angging
aj mutual, reciprocal lenchem
aj naked, nude, exposed (without the usual cover) honrum
aj necessary, needed, required manlum
v need, require munsu
aj possible (able to happen or be done) enjom
v prevent (keep from happening) ongko
n process, procedure muvong
n program ngihang
n progress, advancement guleng
n project, undertaking, venture oreng
n proof, evidence angong
n quality, trait, attribute, characteristic jemping
aj ready, prepared for a task / event yegim
n relationship, association ngebeng
n right (a right to do/be ...) tamwang
n role (an individual's function) ngengkong
v save, rescue onyu
n species ageng
aj suitable, proper, fit(ting), appropriate yombim
n system sojang
n task, chore, job, assignment udang
n technology oseng
n tendency, propensity, inclination pibing
v try, attempt, endeavor anchi
v use, utilize towo
n vogue, trend, fad, fashion ehing
v waste, misuse anse
aj wild, feral, untamed mevom
n work, effort, labor, toil zinsong
n riot dunching
n science wonlang
v serve (provide service to) ayu
n set (complete group of similar items) dering
n strike (work stoppage as protest) vugong
v support uwu
v test, check anye
v torture, torment onga
pn I, me king
pn we, us (inclusive, with you) song
pn we, us (exclusive, without you) bung
pn you (singular) yeng
pn you (plural) gang
pn he, she, it, him, her ting
pn they chung
pn one (indefinite they) ngang