"Prúhwjehkt Píngk"Orthographic Reform of the English LanguageViktor MedranoInitiated: 1998
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In Pingk, the acute accent mark over a vowel (like á) indicates the stress accent. This is optional marking. One either puts the accents in all the text or none at all. SpecimenUnreformedNobody today is normal, everybody is a little bit crazy or unbalanced, people's minds are running all the time. Their perceptions of the world are partial, incomplete. They are eaten alive by their egos. They think they see, but they are mistaken; all they do is project their madness, their world, upon the world. There is no clarity, no wisdom in that! -Taisen Deshimaru CXS'n@wb@dI tu:'dej Iz 'nOrml, 'EvrIb@dI Iz @ 'lItl bIt 'krejzI or Vn'b&l@nst, 'pi:plz 'majndz ar 'rVnIN Ol D@ 'tajm. Dejr p@r'sEpS@ns @v D@ 'w@rld ar 'parS@l, INkom'pli:t. Dej ar 'i:tn @'lajv baj Dejr 'i:g@wz. Dej 'TINk Dej 'si:, bVt Dej ar mIs'tejk@n; 'Ol Dej 'du: Iz pr@w'dZekt Dejr 'm&dnIs, Dejr 'w@rld, @'pon D@ 'w@rld. DEr Iz n@w 'kl&rItI, n@w 'wIzdVm In 'D&t! --'tajsEn dESi:ma'ru: PingkNúhwbuhdi tuudéy iz nóhrml, éhvribuhdi iz uh lítl bit kréyzi or unbáeluhnst, píiplz máyndz ar rúning ohl dhuh táym. Dheyr puhrséhpshuhns uhv dhuh wúhrld ar párshuhl, ingkomplíit. Dhey ar íitn uhláyv bay dheyr íiguhwz. Dhey thíngk dhey síi, but dhey ar mistéykuhn; óhl dhey dúu iz pruhwjéhkt dheyr máednis, dheyr wúhrld, uhpón dhuh wúhrld. Dhehr iz nuhw kláeriti, nuhw wízdum in dháet! -Taisen Deshimaru [Táysehn Dehshiimarúu] |